Lifelines Emergency Assistance


The Lifelines program provides individuals and families in distress with emergency assistance and short term case management.


Lifelines Emergency Aid and Case Management


The Lifelines Case Manager will then help you to deal with your immediate issue, while connecting you to the resources for long term stability. JFFS case workers will help advocate with landlords, banks, schools and employers, connect you to programs that directly provide food, emergency shelter and housing, and work with credit issuers and credit rating agencies. In some cases, we are able to provide financial assistance for shelter, food, medication or other emergency basic needs. No walk in appointments, please call to schedule an appointment.


Lifelines Criteria

  Applicants must:
•    Be a resident of Orange County
•    Have a valid Driver’s License or ID
•    Complete online application
•    Provide documentation on financial situation
•    Provide other documentation as requested by Case Manager
•    Have not received financial assistance in the past 12 months from JFFS


Get Started Today!

If you need assistance, call Nancy at or e-mail .

Offer a Lifeline

You can offer a lifeline by volunteering your time or by making a donation via the JFFS Family Services Donation Form and allocating your donation to Lifelines Emergency Assistance.